The white, blank canvas of the Country Cottage was irresistible to our young testers. Seeing a playhouse where only kids could fit was enticing enough but the fact that the outside was just begging for their own creative flourishes put this submission over the top. The cottage put together fairly easily with parental assistance and […]
Kids Furniture & Furnishings
Not only is the Comfort Safe Mattress from Munchkin free of harmful phthalates and potentially harmful fire retardants, but is it also two-sided. That’s right, one side is for babies and is ultra firm while the other is softer and more comfortable for toddlers. The mattress itself fits snugly in the crib, eliminating gaps between
Using maple wood, which is famous for its solid, sturdy composition, the Classic Namestool really impressed testers as a high quality item. The thick wooden base, along with the legs that twist in easily and securely, makes it ready to use in a snap. The size of the stool is perfect for giving children access
This adorable mini piano, complete with stool, charmed our testers. Attractive enough to sit in your living room (if you employ bright red in your color palette), the Spinet is strong enough for less refined and learned pianists to, shall we say, bang on repeatedly. This is OK as the tone of the piano is
It seems as if every testing period we discover a product that makes so much sense that we just can’t believe no one has come up with it before. Little Looster is the newest product to have earned this distinction from our testers. This lightweight plastic step system wraps perfectly around the toilet and affords
This booster seat is extremely lightweight, very easy to clean and exceptionally easy to use. Those are the features that garnered praise from our testers. The seat has a padded base and a backrest. There are three adjustable straps to help attach it to just about any chair. Two straps go under the chair and
Bedrails and bumpers have pretty much remained the same for some time now. The folks at Two Hippos have shown that there are other ways to keep your child within the confines of their bed during the night. Easy to install, lightweight and very soft, Wall Bumpi can be used on the length or width
What a wonderfully unique, thoroughly delightful idea. Soft throw…uh….frisbees….pillows….cushions? Whatever you want to call them there is no denying their appeal and allure. The fabric is colorful, very durable and virtually stain proof. The fact that the fabric that Cryton chose is soft, breathable and moisture, mold, odor and mildew resistant made it a staple
Everything about this Tee Pee had our testers enthused. From the design, to the sturdiness, durability and size rave reviews across the board. Perfect for hiding, playing, sleeping, relaxing and of course pretend play, it is actually large enough for a parent to sit in without having to slouch. Sleeping bags fit in here as
To say that this tee pee was a hit with our testers would be a colossal understatement. Parents and kids absolutely flipped over this. The design is so appealing (a kind of old-school nostalgic Cowboy design), the quality top notch (soft and strong), durability so superb (easy to clean) that we knew we were looking