The National Parenting Center


Keeping Your Baby Cool Enough

Everybody knows new babies need to be kept warm, but they can get too hot! Your baby cools himself by sweating, so he gets the cooling effect of moisture evaporating in the air. If you dress him too warmly, and especially if you use plastic pants, insulated snowsuits or rain proof stroller covers, you make …

Keeping Your Baby Cool Enough Read More »

Ear-Piercing: Is It Safe?

Ear-Piercing: Is It Safe?

Ear piercing is a popular fashion trend among teens. Done properly, it is quite safe. However, teens who have a tendency to bleed heavily, have allergies to metals, are unusually susceptible to infections, or who tend to form kiloid scars, may want to think twice about getting their ears pierced, or may want to ask …

Ear-Piercing: Is It Safe? Read More »

Your Accident Prone Teen

Your Accident Prone Teen

If your teenager has had a lot of accidents lately, bike crashes, skateboard wipeouts, or automobile accidents, it may be time to take inventory on what else is going on in your teenager’s life. Some accidents, especially when they occur in a cluster, may not be accidents, but a sign of emotional trouble or a …

Your Accident Prone Teen Read More »

The Toughest Year of School

The Toughest Year of School

Each year of school has its challenges and opportunities, but for many young people, seventh grade is the most challenging of all. This is the year when many young people make the change from the personal atmosphere of the smaller, elementary school with one teacher, to the larger, less personal junior high, with many teachers. …

The Toughest Year of School Read More »

Old Wives' Tales

Old Wives’ Tales

It’s amazing how many “Old Wives’ Tales” there are about babies. Many are passed down from generation to generation, but just because Grandma says so doesn’t mean it’s true. Here are some: “A fat baby is a healthy baby.” Not true. The fact is that fat babies often turn out to be fat adults. “Solid …

Old Wives’ Tales Read More »

If a therapist has recommended psychiatric hospitalization or other in-patient therapy for your teen, The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry recommends asking the following questions: 1. Why is this treatment being recommended? 2. How will it help? 3. What are the alternatives and how do they compare? 4. What does the treatment program …

Questions to Ask Before Your Troubled Teen is Hospitalized Read More »

There are ads in most magazines and newspapers exhorting parents of difficult, rebellious and obstinate teens to bring their kids to one or another residential treatment facility. But treating a teen residentially isn’t always the most appropriate choice. A teenager who is trying to withdraw from an alcohol or drug addiction may find a residential …

Being a Smart Consumer Regarding Teen Residential Care Read More »

School Phobia: What Is It?

Does your teen have headaches, stomachaches and other ailments on school days? Does he express fear of going to school because of problems with peers or a teacher? Does she frequently cry or oversleep on weekday mornings? Does he stubbornly refuse to attend school most of the time, or sneak back home after you’ve left …

School Phobia: What Is It? Read More »



A Seal of Approval review involves a multi-step process conducted over an eight-week period.

Parents and children, experience and review submitted products and services either already released or coming to market.

Participants fill out questionnaires for each product or service they test. They score based on 13 levels of criteria including quality, appeal, design, price, packaging, directions, desirability, stimulation, replay factor, and more. Results are based on both statistical averaging and comments received by testers.

There are three testing periods each year:

Report Period Testing Begins Submission Deadline Testing Ends Report Issued
SPRING ’24 February 15th March 13th April 19th May 8th
FALL ’24 June 1st June 24th July 31st August 15th
HOLIDAY ’24 September 1st September 24th October 31st November 15th

Each submission must be accompanied by a $295 product testing fee (we offer multiple submission discounts). This fee covers the cost of testing, nothing more. It is non-refundable and has no bearing on the result of the testing. Additionally, we require three samples of the product or access codes for online submissions.

FYI about the Seal of Approval

* The Seal’s winners will be announced in a media release distributed to over 4,700 media outlets, including Facebook, Mommy bloggers, TV stations, newspapers, and parenting influencers.

* The report is forwarded to buyers at over 350 major retail and online stores including Amazon, Walmart, and Target. Amazon features Seal winners on product pages.

* Each report is featured on TNPC’s website as well as TNPC’s Twitter & Instagram accounts and Facebook Page.

* Links to company websites and a license to utilize the trademarked Seal of Approval artwork on marketing, packaging and web design are available exclusively to Seal winners for additional fees.

* Submitting a product does not secure or guarantee being awarded a Seal of Approval

To submit a product click here.



A Seal of Approval review involves a multi-step process conducted over an eight-week period.

Parents and children, experience and review submitted products and services either already released or coming to market.

Participants fill out questionnaires for each product or service they test. They score based on 13 levels of criteria including quality, appeal, design, price, packaging, directions, desirability, stimulation, replay factor and more. Results are based on both statistical averaging and comments received by testers.

There are three testing periods each year:

Report Period Testing Begins Submission Deadline Testing Ends Report Issued
SPRING ’23 February 15th March 10th April 24th May 10th
FALL ’23 June 1st June 23rd July 31st August 16th
HOLIDAY ’23 September 1st September 22nd October 30th November 15th

Each submission must be accompanied by a $295 product testing fee (we offer multiple submission discounts). This fee covers the cost of testing, nothing more. It is non-refundable and has no bearing on the result of the testing. Additionally, we require three samples of the product or access codes for online submissions.

FYI about the Seal of Approval

* Winners of the Seal will be announced in a media release which is distributed to over 4700 media outlets including Facebook, Mommy bloggers and TV station websites.

* The report is forwarded to buyers at over 350 major retail and on-line stores including Amazon, Walmart and Target. Amazon features Seal winners on product pages.

* Each report is featured at TNPC’s web site as well as TNPC’s Twitter & Instagram accounts and Facebook Page.

* Links to company websites and a license to utilize the trademarked Seal of Approval artwork on marketing, packaging and web design are available exclusively to Seal winners for additional fees.

* Submitting a product does not secure or guarantee being awarded a Seal of Approval

To submit a product click here.


A Seal of Approval review involves a multi-step process conducted over an eight-week period.

Parents and children, experience and review submitted products and services either already released or coming to market.

Participants fill out questionnaires for each product or service they test. They score based on 13 levels of criteria including quality, appeal, design, price, packaging, directions, desirability, stimulation, replay factor and more. Results are based on both statistical averaging and comments received by testers.

There are three testing periods each year:

Report Period


FALL ‘24


Testing Begins

February 15th

June 1st

September 1st

Submission Deadline

March 13th

June 23rd

September 24th

Testing Ends

April 26th

July 31st

October 31st

Report Issued

May 14th

August 15th

November 15th

Each submission must be accompanied by a $295 product testing fee (we offer multiple submission discounts). This fee covers the cost of testing, nothing more. It is non-refundable and has no bearing on the result of the testing. Additionally, we require three samples of the product or access codes for online submissions.

FYI about the Seal of Approval

* Winners of the Seal will be announced in a media release which is distributed to over 4700 media outlets including Facebook, Mommy bloggers and TV station websites.

* The report is forwarded to buyers at over 350 major retail and on-line stores including Amazon, Walmart and Target. Amazon features Seal winners on product pages.

* Each report is featured at TNPC’s web site as well as TNPC’s Twitter & Instagram accounts and Facebook Page.

* Links to company websites and a license to utilize the trademarked Seal of Approval artwork on marketing, packaging and web design are available exclusively to Seal winners for additional fees.

* Submitting a product does not secure or guarantee being awarded a Seal of Approval


A Seal of Approval review involves a multi-step process conducted over an eight-week period.

Parents and children, experience and review submitted products and services either already released or coming to market.

Participants fill out questionnaires for each product or service they test. They score based on 13 levels of criteria including quality, appeal, design, price, packaging, directions, desirability, stimulation, replay factor and more. Results are based on both statistical averaging and comments received by testers.

There are three testing periods each year:

Report Period


FALL ‘24


Testing Begins

February 15th

June 1st

September 1st

Submission Deadline

March 13th

June 23rd

September 24th

Testing Ends

April 26th

July 31st

October 31st

Report Issued

May 14th

August 15th

November 15th

Each submission must be accompanied by a $295 product testing fee (we offer multiple submission discounts). This fee covers the cost of testing, nothing more. It is non-refundable and has no bearing on the result of the testing. Additionally, we require three samples of the product or access codes for online submissions.

FYI about the Seal of Approval

* Winners of the Seal will be announced in a media release which is distributed to over 4700 media outlets including Facebook, Mommy bloggers and TV station websites.

* The report is forwarded to buyers at over 350 major retail and on-line stores including Amazon, Walmart and Target. Amazon features Seal winners on product pages.

* Each report is featured at TNPC’s web site as well as TNPC’s Twitter & Instagram accounts and Facebook Page.

* Links to company websites and a license to utilize the trademarked Seal of Approval artwork on marketing, packaging and web design are available exclusively to Seal winners for additional fees.

* Submitting a product does not secure or guarantee being awarded a Seal of Approval

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