So your child has expressed an interest in riding a bike. Now what do you do? Well first you need to find a suitable bicycle. If you do buy a bike, take your son with you to the bicycle shop and get expert advice to be sure the bike fits him. Don’t get a bike […]
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Spanking Teens
Parents who really believe that spanking is the only way to discipline usually continue to do it, no matter how many family counselors or parenting specialists advise against it. Parents who are unsure about ways to discipline, but who are open to learning other ways to guide or discipline their children, DO usually try other
First of all, let em state that I don’t believe that chronological age should be the determining factor in these decisions. It’s very normal for young teens to be paying lots of attention to their hair and appearance. The reasons you should or shouldn’t let your daughter highlight her hair should be based on other
Help! Why aren’t my teenager and I getting along?
One of the most difficult times we face as parents is when our children enter their teen years. There are many reasons why our children seem quiet, rebellious or changed and sometimes understanding what it is they are going through helps us to deal with it. In the middle teen years, teens often make broad
Effective punishments for teens
How does a parent keep a child from breaking the rules? Obviously, it is not always easy. Some form of effective punishment is essential to letting your teens know what you will and will not accept from them. One punishment tool that is used a lot is grounding. I feel that grounding does not usually
Resources to help you talk to your child about sex
If you are thinking about talking to your child about sex, but are looking for some support material to read first, here are a few suggestions. One very new book is called “Keys to Your Child’s Healthy Sexuality,“ by Dr. Chrystal de Freitas, which is written for parents. (Barrons; 6.95) Another good source of information
The Somotozing Child
Question: What information is available on teens and hysteria (i.e.. conversion reactions, psychosomatic diseases, etc.) My daughter,15 has complained of pains throughout her body and has collapsed and has been brought to hospital. Our MD has indicated that it is probably hysteria or conversion reactions. She is under the care of a therapist and psychiatrist.
Teaching Teens About Gift Giving
Gift giving is an age old tradition as well as a reciprocal social courtesy that will be expected of your teen when he or she becomes an adult. It is in their best long term interest to start learning NOW how to budget and save part of their earned money or allowance for gifts. If
Reading Ideas For Parents of Teens
Many parents write to me for advice or guidelines to use when their children start dating. I have not found a sample dating contract among my professional books, but there is a book that might help you to develop one. âPick Up Your Socks, and Other Skills Growing Children Need,â Elizabeth Crary, (Parenting Press, Seattle,
Dealing Effectively with Moody Teenagers
At about 15 many teens go through a period of being introspective and moody. They seem to be thinking through how they feel about themselves and figuring out how this perception matches with what others think of them. Most of them work through this and come to terms with their self image by age 16.
False Labor
False labor, or prodromal labor, is one of the most frustrating times in your pregnancy. You have been pregnant for nine months now, and you are ready for this baby. False labor may last for a few hours to several days. You probably have not begun labor if: • Your contractions are not regular and
Premature Labor
One of the most frightening things in pregnancy is going into premature, or early labor. The severity of the situation depends on how far along you are. If you are only two weeks early, there are rarely any problems. There are numerous factors which may place you at a high risk of going into pre-term
Choosing a Delivery Method
It is important that a woman and her partner take an active role in her pregnancy. Your pregnancy should be a positive and fulfilling experience. There are wide varieties of childbirth methods that a woman can choose from. These techniques are taught in courses given by hospitals, doctors, nurses, or midwives. When making a decision
The Chance of Having Twins
The chances of having a twin pregnancy are about 1%. Twins can be identical, about 1/3 are, which means that they form from one egg. Or, they may be fraternal, non-identical, which means they came from two separate eggs. Twin pregnancies are high risk. These risks include: 1. Premature labor 2. Miscarriage 3. Having a
High Blood Pressure
Your blood pressure varies depending on the circumstances. It will be high if you’ve just had an argument at work prior to coming for your visit. At each prenatal visit, you should have your blood pressure checked, preferably while lying on your left side. If you already have high blood pressure, also known as hypertension,
Nutrition During Pregnancy
“You are what you eat” is a phrase that has some merit, especially when pregnant. It is never too late to improve your eating habits. Poor maternal nutrition can have serious effects on the growing baby. These include: low birth weight babies, increased incidence of premature birth, and increased risk of miscarriage, to name a