Depending on who you speak with, some people would say it should not reach greater than 120, while others will say not greater than 140 beats per minute. I tend to take the middle road and say about 130 beats per minute. Now this is all taking into account that you are healthy and have […]
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There are a number of things you can do to reassure your child who is having separation anxiety. First, call your child as often as you reasonably can during the day from work so that she has contact with you, and, let her know you’ll be doing this. If possible, on a weekend, or during
Weaning From the Bottle Without Disrupting Your Child’s Comfort Zone
Breastfeeding or bottle-feeding can be considered prolonged after about 18 months of age. However, most children will eventually give up breastfeeding and bottle-feeding on their own by about 3 years of age. Delayed weaning should be considered abnormal only if it is resulting in your child’s refusal to eat any solids, anemia, tooth decay or
Tantrums In The Super Market
The only sure way to avoid trouble with kids in the supermarket is to simply leave the kids home with the other parent or even a sitter. I know parents who say they can save a sitter’s fee by shopping carefully without interference or distraction of children. ⢠If you must take a child or
Giving Your Teen A Realistic View Of Parenthood
Questions a teen needs to ask herself before even thinking of having a baby include: 1. “What can I give my baby?” Most of us want the very best for our children: unconditional love, a fair amount of economic security, freedom from hunger, and ideally, the loving support of two parents are some important basics.
Tips For Taking Temperatures
The younger your child, the more you probably dread having to take his or her temperature during an illness. It’s hard enough to get an accurate oral reading on an impatient older child, but taking a rectal temperature on a young child is usually the hardest. • Sometimes when a child is not seriously ill,
Teaching Bike Riding
Bikes give kids a heady freedom that isn’t matched until they learn to drive a car years later. But in teaching two-wheel skills, do be patient. Kids learn to ride when they’re ready, not always when their parents are. ⢠Dress your learner in long pants and long sleeve shirts, because there will be falls.
Encouraging Self Dressing
You’ll want to encourage your child’s effort at self dressing, even though it will take a good deal more time at first and cause some frustration for you and your child. If you can’t help resisting, busy yourself elsewhere, close enough to give assistance, but leaving your child to handle it all alone. • You
How To Keep A Lid On Your Anger
One thing that parenting has taught me is just how angry I could get. I never understood child abuse until I had children. No, I never abused my children, but I could understand the feelings. Letting out your angers and frustrations on your children is wrong and unfair. Just recall for a moment how you
Handling Two Kids and Housework
You probably though you were unbelievably busy after the birth of your first child. Now you’ve got two on your hands. Well, this might be the time when Dad steps in and helps out more than before. Remind him of that old saying, “God did give Mother two pair of hands — the other pair
Recognizing The Need for Professional Help
The prospect for seeking professional help from a family counselor, a psychologist, or psychiatrist can be a painful one. But your teen or your family may need professional help in the following instances: ⢠One, if you’re caught up in hurtful patterns of behavior that create and perpetuate tension within the family. ⢠Two, if
Signs of Teenage Depression
Is your teenager depressed? The symptoms may be harder to spot than obvious blues. The following are some of the signs of teenage depression, and are most significant when they occur in combination and over a period lasting more than two weeks. ⢠First, sadness, anxiety and hopelessness. ⢠Second, lack of interest in food
Understanding Your Own Ambivalence About Your Teen
Sure you love your teenager, but there may be times when you don’t like him or her very much. There may be days when you enjoy him, and there may be days when you really can’t stand to be with him. This may leave you feeling guilty. You may feel like a bad, uncaring parent.