Children of all ages and most adults have some food dislikes. If this is the case in your home consider the following: • First, most complaints are about vegetables such as spinach or broccoli. Vegetables are over rated. There are no essential foods, just essential food groups. Since fruits and vegetables are in the same […]
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More than 30% of toddlers are still sucking their thumbs. Fortunately, thumb sucking is harmless until your child’s permanent teeth have erupted about age of six. Your main response to thumbsucking in the meantime should be to ignore it, especially when your child is tired. If it occurs when your child is bored, try to
The Terrible Two’s
Until 18 months of age most children are agreeable, even easy. From 18 months until four years of age, many of them become stubborn and resistant. We call this the “terrible twos”. What happens to toddlers at 18 months? They discover that they are individuals who have the power to refuse us or even to
The Overuse of Medicines
We are a greatly overmedicated society both with prescription and over-the-counter drugs. Some people believe that every symptom needs a drug; I disagree. ⢠First, let’s set the record straight about antibiotics. Antibiotics only kill bacteria; they have no effect on viruses. Antibiotics can neither reduce symptoms nor shorten the course of viral illnesses. Since
When Your Toddler Doesn’t Share Toys
Toddlers often become upset when other children play with their toys. They see possession as ownership. They don’t understand the concept of sharing until three or four years of age. But you can plant the idea with statements, such as “If you share with them, they’ll share with you.” Try this approach: • First, if
Slow Eaters and Fast Eaters
Slowpoke eaters are usually not hungry. A few are just being negative. A good rule for these kids is, “That the meal was over when everyone else is done eating.” Then it’s time to clean up, clear away your child’s plate and put her down. Don’t keep her sitting at the table longer than other
Sleeping With Parents
If you’re sleeping with your child and want to change it, here are some suggestions. As you probably have learned, children don’t need to sleep with you, but they sure like it, and once it’s begun it’s rather hard to undo. I suspect you want to change this for the same reason other parents do
Playing With Food
During the early months of self-feeding, many children will make a mess of their high chair and of themselves. If they mix their food with their hands or feed themselves that way, children should not be criticized or punished. This is a normal part of learning how to feed themselves, but when it comes to
Interrupting You On The Telephone
Some children drop whatever they’re doing as soon as their parent picks up the telephone. Avoid part of this problem by making most of your calls during naptime or after bedtime. However, that won’t help you with incoming calls. Try this approach. • First, have a rule,”Don’t interrupt me while I’m on the telephone” and
Grandparents & Grandchildren
Blessed is the child who has a loving grandparent. Don’t begrudge the fact that they’ve learned a lot since having you. Include them in your family life. Here are some ideas: • First, everyone needs extra help during those first weeks at home with a new baby, and the best person to call upon is