If you are looking for a fun and different game to entertain older children during playdates or family gatherings, or if you simply need to have them take a break from their device screens, you will want to give Pencil Nose a whirl. After playing hundreds of games, we were amazed to find that time […]
Astro Trash is a fast-paced, fun family game that testers felt sure would quickly become a favorite in homes everywhere. In this digital age parent after parent told us how nice it was to just sit down and get some quality, screen-free time with their kids. Astro Trash is marketed as a faced-paced game and
Match-O-Rama is a great way to get to know friends and family members better and along the way, gain some new insights into how they think. This fun, interactive game is ideal for any age and any combination of people. It is casual, laid back and non-competitive giving it an appeal unlike many party games
Blank Slate is a great game for large families or gatherings. Testers told us that in their experience, there are very few games that big groups can actually play together without splitting into teams. Blank Slate lets everyone play on their own simultaneously since it includes materials for up to 8 players. The directions are
Let’s be honest, gift exchanges are supposed to be fun, but we’ve all experienced that party where disagreements occur, putting a damper on the event. The creators at SolidRoots have obviously been to their share of these duds, and now they have ridden to the rescue. These ingenious party sets help you avoid all of
Twisted Tales is a family game that uses a group setting to build a story which is constructed by a designated storyteller and scored by earning votes. It takes some thought and a bit of wit, but there is no doubt that Twisted Tales really brings out the creativity in people. Each of the cards
Inappropriate Minds got high scores from testers who found it to be ideal for Family Game Night fun, as well as a great road trip game. For families with teenagers, this is a great way to bring everyone together playing, chatting and laughing together instead of everyone being on separate screens in the same room.
Mickey’s Snuggle Time is a unique and innovative toy with great educational value that caught several of our parent testers by surprise. What sets this game apart is the fabric its made from and the pieces you play with. Its incredibly soft and a fun alternative to your typical cardboard fold-out game boards. The game
KNow! has hit the trivia game market with a lightning bolt and our testers certainly stood up and took notice. It is as if the maker has taken every fun element from every other trivia game and loaded it all into KNow! However, unlike trivia games in the past, new information is ever-evolving and can
Invasion of the Cow Snatchers is an absolute homerun by Thinkfun. This magnetic game has building elements, logic problems, hand-eye manipulatives, and a big ol’ sense of humor. Since Invasion of the Cow Snatchers is designed to be played solo, there is no scoring. Without a scoring component, there is no winning or losing in